This is a pretty funny (and brief) write-up about reacting to earth-collisions.
(has a cool map too!)
(from link in blogroll)
Singing The Blues
13 hours ago
Celtic Frost, Mad River, Gentle Giant, and Magma.
d100 | Descriptor | d100 | Descriptor |
01-04 | Swamp | 53-56 | Vast Mountains |
05-08 | Dark Fae | 57-60 | Animal Languages |
09-12 | Local Gods | 61-64 | Dangerous Wilds |
13-16 | Sandbox | 65-68 | Costly Magic |
17-20 | (Brian Aldiss) | 69-72 | (Jack Vance) |
21-24 | Rituals | 73-76 | Reality Warps |
25-28 | Boring Towns | 77-80 | Demons |
29-32 | Ancient Underworlds | 81-84 | Orange/Red Sun |
33-36 | Evil Elves | 85-88 | Strange Plants |
37-40 | Cannibal Cultists | 89-92 | Hill Tribes |
41-44 | Underwater Horror | 93-96 | Poisons |
45-48 | Jewelled Throne | 97-00 | NO RAILROADS! |
49-52 | Astronomy |
d6 | COMBAT |
1 | Stumbles and falls down (momentarily helpless) |
2 | Decides to change weapons then changes mind (no action) |
3 | Moves to defend ally |
4 | Attacks nearest opponent/Casts sub-optimal spell |
5 | Attacks random opponent in reach or moves to nearest opponent/Casts optimal spell |
6 | Goes Berserk |
d6 | SOCIAL |
1 | Says something really insulting and wont retract it |
2 | Tangential mouth-mush leaves people confused and suspicious |
3 | Mumbles and grunts at some appropriate places |
4 | Doesn't say much |
5 | Lends good support to own or party's goal/agenda |
6 | Steals the show, very convincing arguments for own goal/agenda - may try to cast an 'appropriate' spell toward this end |
* | "own goal" meaning maybe the GM's interpretation... |
1 | Gripped my 2 minute choking and coughing fit (very noisy, takes no actions) |
2 | Lazy (-1 search or stealth or whatever negative modification os appropriate) |
3 | normal |
4 | normal |
5 | Is double-checking already explored areas/normally stealthy |
6 | Is searching (and finds 10 gp!)/sneaking at +1 (or whatever) |
Successful players are ALWAYS those who do not put
on a pretense of being some imaginary character, but
players who dig down within themselves to find something
which they don't generally display. This usually turns
out to be a remarkable trait they possess. I have a cleric
in my offline who, when not a cleric, is shy and speaks
little. But who will, at play, display vocal support for
the party, resolve, bravery and generousity. That is
because, deep inside, the player in question has these
traits--she isn't making them up for the sake of "character."
Players should be themselves.
This shield functions as a normal 'target' shield
of strong wood, bound with a rivetted iron band.
While used it is weightless/unencumbering and buoyant,
able to support up to 200 lbs before taking on water.
It will bear a simple two-colored design of the
owner's choosing and will refresh it at dawn. Once
the owner sets the image it cannot be changed.
Non-Spell Users Semi-Spell Users
Fighter Ranger
Rogue Paladin
Warrior Adept
Soldier Monk
Swashbuckler Warrior-Mage
Sage/Tradesman Bard
Thief Dabbler
Pure Spell Users
Magician Sorcerer Druid
Illusionist Mystic Shaman
Priest Warlock Magus
Mentalist Seer Alchemist
Healer Astrologer Enchanter
Lay-Healer Necromancer